Join the fight for muntu warriors

Muntu Warriors celebrates Black and African culture through powerful superheroes. If you’re looking for a cause to support once a month, please consider Muntu Warriors and the important work we’re doing to promote representation in comics.

About muntu warriors

Hi y’all! I’m Junior Beckley, author, illustrator and creator of Muntu Warriors. Thank for watching this page. Your help and interest is more than welcome. Let me first talk to you about my project: Muntu Warriors.

Mangas, video games, cartoons, comics. Three things that are major today, especially with young people. Muntu Warriors aims to use these fields to discover the black culture, from Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and the United States.

Through a fantastic universe of superheroes, we will discover the adventures of Asanda Zuma, a South African science teacher, who hates fiction and hates superheroes, but who will become one in spite of himself in order to save a world that he himself has put in danger.

Compared to titles for young readers such as One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and superheroes such as those in the Marvel and DC Comics universes, Muntu Warriors will certainly help in understanding the core values of African traditions, as well as life lessons for all ages.

The focus of Muntu Warriors

Leadership, Business And Entrepreneurship


Kingdoms And Deities

Treasures And Wealth

Beauty And Fashion

Creatures, Legends And Myths

Muntu Warriors In Numbers

Here are some cool numbers about the impact of Muntu Warriors so far

Main Superheroes
Black and African Historical Figures
Languages Spoken
IG Community

Frequently Asked Questions

It is for everyone who wants to discover a new version of african culture through entertainment, especially those who love superheroes, comics, videogames, movies and anime.

It is available in English and French for now. So it can reach a larger audience. Maybe in the future it will be translated into more languages.

Because I want to use my culture and traditions as a black man to show you a new and original vision of the myths and stories of my african heritage. We have a ton of amazing stuff in our culture who deserve to be known all around the world.

ABSOLUTELY NOT!! I DO NOT DO ART COMMISSIONS! I love your support and I’m honored that you thought about me working on your project, but Muntu Warriors takes a lot of time to create. I can’t, and don’t want to allow myself to work on other projects, unless it’s directly connected with Muntu Warriors. I have clients and fans who support me and invest in me to make Muntu Warriors, and it would be a disgrace if I take their support to work on something else.

Muntu is a term taken from bantu culture. It means human or mankind. In my universe, muntu is the name of a parallel world who takes his life force from a great tree named the Orisun, also referred to as “the cradle of mankind”. Spirits named Orishas are born from this tree. And some humans have the ability to fuse with them: A person who fused with an Orisha is called a Muntu Warrior.

Officially, I’d like to say it is readable starting at 10 or 12 years old. Because Muntu Warriors contain violence, blood and a little bit of swear words. Even if these are not excessive and it can be readapted for a younger audience. But think of it like this: if someone can read Naruto, One Piece, or DBZ, or if he can watch Marvel or DC comic books and movies like Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America or Batman, he can definitely read Muntu Warriors.

You can find the comic books on the Black Sands Entertainment shop and on Amazon. You can also find on this website. And on my Patreon: BeckleyArt

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!! Muntu Warriors has the potential to be in so many platforms and variations, from movies to anime, music, gastronomy, even crypto-currency. As the project progresses, I will explore other ways to diffuse the project.

The Challenges Of Muntu Warriors

Creating a comic book is no easy feat, and as an independent creator, I face numerous challenges on a daily basis. One of the biggest obstacles I encounter is funding. Without a large budget or financial backing, it can be difficult to produce high-quality content at a quick pace. Another challenge I face is not being financially able to travel to other countries or participate in events. This can make it difficult to network, build a following, and gain exposure for my work. Last but not least, another challenge is multitasking. As an independent creator, I’m responsible for not just the creative side of things, but also the business side, such as marketing, website building, networking and promotion. This can be a juggling act at times.

This is where your support comes in. By donating, you’re helping to alleviate some of the financial burden and allowing me to focus more on the creating aspect. Your support also helps me reach a wider audience and build a community around my work. Also, to delegate the other tasks to people who’ll be far better than me to give you the best services. Overall, creating a comic book is a challenging and complex process, but with your help, I’m able to overcome these obstacles and bring Muntu Warriors to life.

Benefits Of Using Paypal

Impact Of The Donations

Book Printing

The donations collected will serve to print copies and stocks to participate to events and sell signed copies directly to customers.

Participation To Events

The donations will serve to purchase vendor places to display my books during events. And to be able to participate as a vendor in events such as Business Africa, Ubuntu Festival, Natural Hair Academy, Book and Youth Fairs, and even fairs in Africa, Asia, America and Europe.

Licenses, Subscriptions, Taxes And Softwares

These are all the elements used to make Muntu Warriors work. All these expenses are not negligible.


The funds raised will also make it possible to make use of Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok to promote the books. They will also allow to pay for interviews, articles made by the media, and appear on TV channels.

Mass Distribution

In the long term, the funds will allow for the distribution of Muntu Warriors all over the world, in bookstores and stores. The idea is to target English- and French-speaking countries.

Build A Team

So far, I am the only one fully working on Muntu Warriors. And this project cannot be done alone. But with a team, anything is possible. So, the donations will be used to recruit a team that will support me on the project, and allow me to create better content.

Let's Fight Together

By supporting Muntu Warriors, you’re not just investing in a project, you’re investing in a movement. My goal is to inspire and empower kids, especially those from black and African communities, by giving them heroes they can identify with and be proud of. But it’s not just for them; it’s for anyone who wants to connect with black and African culture and heritage, and to promote diversity and representation in the world of comics.

No matter how big or small, every contribution counts. Even a small tip can make a difference in bringing this project to life, help make a difference and support the movement for representation in comics. So if you only give or help once a month, please think about Muntu Warriors next time. 

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